Teach People How To Treat You

So, I was talking to someone the other day and she was telling me that she had some stuff going on at her place of business. Basically, there was a young lady there who, for whatever reason, had an issue with her. She would make little comments and do, little things to get under her skin. This went on for a while. I think at one point, she did contact upper management, and nothing was ever done about the situation. Fast forward to sometime later and the woman I was speaking with explained how she had her “straw that broke the camel's back moment” and blew up on the girl in front of everybody. Now being the kind-hearted person that she is, she felt really bad about it and was worried about what her colleagues would say and what upper management would do. Thankfully she was able to keep her position. The other young lady has been quiet as a church mouse now. It took a blow-up, but she got the message loud and clear.

I know, I know…you want to know the point. I’ll get to it. I told the woman on the phone that all of that could have been avoided if she would have simply put her foot down when she first started having problems. Sometimes, we have to teach people how to treat us. Simple as that! Being a Christian can be difficult sometimes because there are times when people try you and they expect you to not say anything because it’s not “Christ-like” if we do. However, the bible that I read tells me that I can season my words with salt! Baby, I have absolutely zero problems with sprinkling a little Lawry’s on my words! I will never curse anyone, belittle or disrespect them, but I will make it perfectly clear that I will not be disrespected by them or anyone else. I don’t mind “checking” people, and neither should you. 

It’s okay to tell someone to leave you alone. It’s okay to put your foot down and let someone know that the attitude that they are throwing your way is a problem and it needs to be fixed. There are some people who have a hard time telling other people to back off. Those are the people who allow others to walk all over them, and that’s a big no-no. God never intended for his people to be doormats. We are to be bold! We are to be unafraid. Telling someone to leave you alone is not breaking some kind of “Christian code”. It’s simply protecting your peace, and that's perfectly okay with God. Everything that we do, should always be done in love, even when we reprimand, but we MUST reprimand. When you teach people how to treat you, they will be hesitant about stepping toward you incorrectly because you have already set a standard. You have already made it clear what you will and will not tolerate and accept. 

I said all that to say this; sometimes it's necessary to teach those around you how you want to be treated. That means you have to open up your mouth and let them know what they can and cannot say to you and what they can and cannot do around you. So, if there are people in your life who are treating you in a way that you don’t like, find that Lawry’s seasoning and get to sprinkling. Let them know that you love them, but the way they are treating you will not continue as of today! Either they act right or move on! 

Be encouraged this week and walk in the boldness that God has given you!!  

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