
I thank God for the set of people that I have in my life. The older I get, the more and more content I am with having a small circle. It used to bother me that I didn’t have many friends, but now, I cherish the fact that I have been so selective over the years, and I only allow those who genuinely care about me to be around me.

Last week, while in service, my pastor brought forth a word on being unequally yoked with people. It was an amazing word. Now, I am not saying this because I just so happen to be married to the man. It really was a good word. A lot of times, when we think about being unequally yoked, we think about it in terms of a romantic relationship. What I learned from my pastor/husband, is that you can also be in friendships and in business with people and be unequally yoked with them as well. I learned something Sunday morning, that I didn’t even know. Let’s dive in.

So, first of all, what in the world is a yoke? I had no idea. All my life I have heard the scripture about being unequally yoked and never took the time to dissect it because I had already made up in my mind what it meant. A yoke is actually a wooden beam. This beam is normally used between a pair of oxen or other animals to enable them to pull together on a load when they are working together. If one of the animals is weaker or shorter than the other, it will cause the load to go around in circles. When they are unequally yoked, they cannot perform the task that has been set before them. Instead of them being able to work together in order to pull the load, they are literally at odds with each other instead. You have got to see where I am headed with this..right?!

Now, let's apply this to our life. What happens when we are yoked with people that we should not be? BINGO! You are unable to work together and spend your time being at odds with one another as opposed to getting things done. Looking at it in a spiritual sense, what happens when believers link up with unbelievers? We are asking for trouble, drama, and chaos to enter our lives. One of three things is probably going to take place; you are going to turn back to your old ways, you’ll convert the other person, or you are going to have to bear the cross throughout that entire relationship. This means you are the one who will carry the responsibility of trying to sustain a healthy relationship when the other person is simply just along for the ride. 

Now take a second and think about the people in your life. Are you linked up with people who are pulling you in the opposite direction than where you are trying to go? I’ll do you one better; are you yoked up with people who are determined to drag you in the opposite direction of where God is trying to take you? If so, are they breaking a sweat, or are you easily giving in to where they want you to go as opposed to where you or God want you to go? It is imperative that we know and understand that everybody isn’t “for us”. There are people in our lives that we simply can’t be in any type of relationship with. A simple hi and bye will have to do with those types of people. Let’s not get into a relationship with an assignment and then get irritated when things aren’t going as planned. You better use that discernment God has given us!

It is not too late to start pruning people back. Do a relationship analysis concerning the people in your life. Evaluate friends, family members, business partners, etc… and see if they are healthy for you and beneficial to you. Don’t waste any more of your time. Free yourself from being unequally yoked. 

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