
Life throws us all kinds of curve balls. Some of these curve balls we are able to hit out of the park and make a home run. Others, on the other hand, can be difficult to hit. Some of them even hit us instead of the other way around and end up hurting us. Now, I am nobody’s baseball expert, but I think I know enough of the game to know that not every ball is hit all of the time. Even though some pitches can get the best of a player, it doesn’t change the fact that they are still a player. They still have a job to do and make room for improvement, so when the next pitch is thrown, they can knock it out of the park. It’s funny because life can be the same exact way. As Christian people, just because circumstances cause a shift in our life, it doesn't change the fact that we are children of the Living God, and he loves and cares for us.

A friend of mine recently had a major accomplishment. These accomplishments just kept coming back-to-back. (They still are actually) When talking to her, she will tell you that she used to not be able to believe how far she’s come due to past situations. She said, then she had to remember who she belonged to, and how HE would NEVER let her fall. When she said that, something jumped inside of me. There are so many people who feel this way now! There are countless amount of men and women who still don’t know who they belong to and don’t get that God is God no matter what and that NOTHING takes him by surprise. Simply put; GOD GOT YOU! 

Situations happen in life. Things change, circumstances change, and people change, but one thing that is constant; is our status in the Kingdom. A friend of mine went through a divorce and had a hard time coping. She finally was able to rise above the mental anguish of having her life partner, no longer there. When I spoke with her, I told her; that “it never took God by surprise. He knew it and had already prepared a way for you. Your identity rests in the Father and in him alone. So your circumstances changed your marital status but not your status in the kingdom. You are still God’s, you are still great, your gifts are still yours, your blessings have not decreased, and your cup will still run over…and that’s final!” I will say the same exact thing to you too! Circumstances in life may change a title, but not your status in the Kingdom. Marriage, jobs, etc, don’t make you who you are. Without all of those things, you are still God’s child, and he loves you no less. 

It always amazes me when I think of the goodness of my Heavenly Father and how he always has a plan for me even when I can only see as far as my situation will allow. So the message that I would like for you to carry with you this week is; that life may throw you a curve ball that you can’t hit, but God doesn’t see you as less than because of it. In fact, he knows and has equipped you to go through it and rise above it. You are not less than, your circumstances don’t make you who you are in God’s Kingdom. You are still important and are still needed. There is no one on this planet that is like you. The bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Remember that, walk in that with your head held high. Continue to be the Prince and Princesses you are, because you have a father who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. AMEN


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