Same Stuff Different Day

Whew, family! It felt good taking a two-week break. I pray everyone had a fantastic new year and is ready to hit the ground running in 2023. I am super excited to see what this year has in store for all of us. I actually have a few new developments that I CAN NOT wait to share with you but in due time my loves! In the meantime, let’s dive in. 

I don’t know about you all, but coming into the new year, I was excited to start fresh. New beginnings are always exciting. New relationships. New Jobs. New opportunities. I mean, you name it. It’s all so very exciting. The beginning of the new year always has everyone’s creative juices flowing. But what happens when drama from the previous year, spills over into the new year? What happens when this drama turns your new beginning into a hot mess?

Picture this; it's the end of 2022 and life is pretty good. You are preparing yourself for the different things that are headed your way and you are elated about it all. Out of nowhere, life throws a curveball. This curveball hits you square in the head though. You thought that you would enter the new year all smiles, but you ended up entering it recovering from the injury. Now you feel like, this incident has set the tone for what the rest of your year is going to be. Guess what? It hasn’t! 

New beginnings don’t mean that everything that happened prior is just going to go away. We all like to think that a new year, a new career, or a new relationship will erase everything prior to it, but that is simply not the case. Drama doesn’t have a date, and none of us are exempt from experiencing it, but it doesn’t have to set the tone for your entire year just because the year prior came with a little baggage. You may not believe me, but there are people out there who really believe that if their new year starts in the toilet, it will remain there, but I am here to tell you that that is simply not the case. You define how your life is going to go. Not your situation. How about grabbing a new attitude this year, and attacking the things that come your way with a bit of positivity?  Trials and tribulations are going to come, we can’t avoid them, but what we can do is have a plan to face them head-on. 

So what are you saying, Tara? I am saying that even though we have entered into a new season, we must remember that not everyone is feeling all the “newness”. Some people are carrying their old baggage into the new year and they are in desperate need of help. To those people that are needing help, let’s find new ways to attack the issue. Church, counseling, journaling, whatever you need. Try something new this time around that is going to help you overcome what you are dealing with. Being down doesn't mean that you have to stay down. I can’t make any promises for 2023 and I won’t, but what I can say is; this year has the makings of being the best year of your life if you let it! 




Save The Best For Last