Save The Best For Last

Hello Family! This is the LAST POST for 2022. We have decided to take next week off to finish some new things we plan on implementing next year and to also relax. It’s okay to take a break from time-to-time family. When you give and give, you have to remember that you also need to replenish in order to gain strength to go back to give again. It’s okay to rest and it’s okay to see about yourself. You know I am a huge advocate over here for self-love, self-evaluation, and self-preservation. I’d like to give my reflections for the year…so let’s dive in.

This year has been filled with so many ups and downs. My first book made its debut,  I published another one for my first client, and TJ&M turned a successful one-year-old! I am so grateful to God for all of the blessings that he has bestowed upon me like; my family, and each and everyone one of you. Even though this year isn't over just yet, I would like for all of us to take the time and thank God for all he has done. If you are able to read this, then that means you have life in your body, and the opportunity to make things happen in your life and allow your gifts to indeed make room for you.

When I started this journey to self-publishing and entrepreneurship, it was tough. If I am being totally honest, it still is tough. My team and I work hard to bring you inspiration and motivation. Often times it's given to you when we are in need of it ourselves. But we love what we do. I love what I do, and I will continue to do it until I can't anymore. 

To every contributor, partner, reader, and customer…Thank You! Thank you for supporting this platform. It is my prayer that we continue to grow and continue to be an inspiration to the countless people that visit this site and read this blog. If you ever purchased something, read something then shared it, or referred someone here, then your support has not gone unnoticed and we love you. Let’s finish this year with a bang and hop into 2023 with ease. 

See you in 2023!


Same Stuff Different Day


New Year