New Year

Hello, hello, hello family! I am so happy to be back again with another dose of motivation and inspiration for you. I don’t think you all understand how I often “get checked” in order for me to drop inspiration your way each week. These messages are almost always a result of me having to learn something the hard way. Fortunately for you, I am totally okay with that. I want the things that I have learned to inspire someone and motivate someone. It blesses me to know that somebody, somewhere is digesting what we are saying over here at TJ&M and applying it to their everyday lives. So, with that being said…Let’s dive in!

A few weeks ago I was outside lying down looking up at the sky. It was such a pretty day that day. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot. The temperature was just right and the breeze was just enough to keep me from going back inside. Anyway, as I was lying there, my mind began to go through all of the things that I want to do concerning my life. My career crossed my thoughts, and the different business endeavors I want to embark upon rested on me. I also have a few personal goals I want to begin to reach in 2023. Those thoughts infiltrated my mind as well. It’s so funny though, as I was lying there in my thoughts, I was quickly reminded that this year isn't even over yet and I have the nerve to skip the rest of it! I considered myself officially checked. 

Something about the new year reminds me of new beginnings. Even as a young girl growing up, I always felt like it was a fresh start when the new year came around. A new chance for me to be a better me. The problem I see with that now, in my adult life, is; I don’t have to wait until the new year to be a better version of myself. I can actively choose right now to do that. For example; why do we wait until the new year to eat right? My excuse is that I am going to eat poorly for the holidays and I just want to start fresh in January. The reality is; if I don’t have the discipline to fight through eating poorly during the holidays, then my new year's health kick is already over before it even begins. Don’t get me wrong, I know and understand that some of the things that I want to do in life are going to take time and planning, but I also know that giving God my timeline is crazy! I might be praying for something to happen six months from now and the Lord very well might be saying, “ Nope, we’re going to fast-track this and start next week.” That is the kind of God that we serve. He works according to his plan and not our deadlines. 

So what are you saying, Tara? All I am saying is; God is the “Master of Suddenly”. (Pastor/hubs taught me that one) He can make things happen in an instant. That day, when I was outside in my thoughts, I had already skipped an entire month and went straight to January to make plans. This year isn't even over yet. Who says that God won't open up doors at the end of the year? Who says that he only can bless in the new year? My motivational message is very clear for you this time around; DON’T SKIP AHEAD. While it's okay to make plans and set dreams in order for the future, also don’t forget that as Christians, we serve a God that can make things happen right here and right now. Don’t put God in a box and attempt to have him meet your deadlines. Simply say to him; “okay Lord, whatever you want, whenever you want, I’m open, just prepare me”.  

Let’s have a discussion in the comments below…


Save The Best For Last

