
Hello Family! We are here again, with another week of motivation and inspiration. I am so happy to be able to come to you and drop a few nuggets your way to carry you through the rest of your week. Once again, I pray that it blesses you, inspires you, and as always, motivates you! Let’s dive in. 

The other day I was out on the trampoline with my 14-year-old daughter. I hadn’t been on one in a very long time. I carefully climbed on and proceeded to jump. It was pretty fun. I created a moment for my baby because she laughed at me hard. We had a good time bonding on that trampoline. As I was jumping, she yelled, “flip mama”. Now, the younger me would have attempted, but the person I am right now, in the shape I am in right now, is not a fool! There was no way in the world, I was going to flip on that trampoline and live to tell about it. I knew my limit so I made the decision to live to see another day.  So what is my point you ask? Well, my point is this; KNOW YOUR LIMITS. 

As people, we have a tendency at times to do and be what other people want us to be. That can be exhausting, and frustrating when you come to realize that sometimes your best wasn’t even good enough anyway. Knowing your limits isn't just a physical thing, however, like mine. It can also be mental as well. The decisions we make in life, about our life, have to be ours and ours alone. Sometimes though, it isn’t always so simple to recognize your limits until you have already passed them. 

One of the many things that I can appreciate about my pastor/hubs, is that he has absolutely no problem saying NO. He is always teaching about how Christian people have a problem saying the word no. Some people will even try to make you feel bad about saying it, but the fact of the matter is; if what they are requesting, is something that you simply can’t give, then who loses when you attempt and fail? If I had attempted that flip and broken my neck, who would have lost? Me! Now, I know my story about flipping on a trampoline is nowhere near as important as the real issues that people are having, but work with me here, I am trying to paint a picture. 

All I am saying is; to recognize your limits in life. Having this ability, allows you to identify the signs that say you may be headed toward trouble. By identifying these signs, you can learn how to avoid danger and head in another direction. If doing something, or entertaining something, causes you to take steps backward, recognize it, then reverse it. If hanging with certain people causes you stress and aggravation, recognize it, and get a new circle. Identify those things that are dangerous for you and your health, and BLOCK THEM OUT. 

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New Year


The Blessing Of Contentment