Love Myself More

Hey Family. I am so excited to be back with yet another week of inspiration! This week is pretty exciting for me.

So, I am currently working on my next book. Super excited about what I have come up with so far. Still have a little more to go, but things are trucking right along. My upcoming title, “Letters To My Younger Self”, is a collection of love letters that I have written to a younger me. I know that I can not change the things of my past, but my prayer is that these letters allow those who read them, to learn something from them and not make the same mistakes. I hope that you enjoy my very first letter. It brought tears to my eyes to even write it. I pray it touches you. Please follow us on all platforms for the release dates of upcoming books. Happy Reading.

Dear Me, 

You will go through this tiny thing called puberty at a very young age. Puberty will indeed be hard on you. It is going to cause your body to change drastically, your emotions to shift all of a sudden, and the people around you are going to seem really weird. Also, be warned; you are going to begin at the tender age of nine and you are not going to like it. It’s going to scare you. Don’t panic though. Your mom is awesome and she is going to see you through.  

What I am writing to tell you, however, is that because of these inevitable life changes, you are going to begin to have people cross your path that will mean you no good. Guard yourself. Stick close to your parents, and do not be afraid to speak out when something just doesn’t feel right. Doing this early on in your precious life is important because it will shape how you see yourself and the level of love you have for yourself.   

Also, there are going to be some peers among you that are going to say things to you that are hurtful. At times, they will even talk behind your back to other people. Just so you know, this is a part of life and you cannot dictate what others do, but you can’t allow them to penetrate your spirit with their hateful words and actions. Love yourself enough to silence the haters with positive thinking. Know that you matter in this world and regardless of what anyone says, you are that girl! 

You are beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. When you begin to feel awkward, or like you don’t belong; remember that God made you just the way that you are and he doesn’t make mistakes. All of your quirks were designed by the Father himself. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made and there is only one you. 


I love you, all of you, and most importantly, God loves you too.  



Without Careful Consideration


Family Matters