Work in progress…

This week’s blog post is a little different. I was trying to think all week long about what I could share. Pastor/husband dropped some serious knowledge in service this week. Thought about sharing that, but I don’t think I can explain it like he could. The dog hasn’t done anything too crazy to report about and the kiddos are their usual moody teenager selves, definitely nothing to report there. Then it hit me, why not share what I have been working on. That sounds like an amazing idea!

One thing about being a writer who happens to be a Christian, people tend to put you in a box. Years ago, there was a rapper who did an interview. He stated that he wasn’t a “Christian rapper”. He said that he was a rapper who happened to be a Christian. I didn’t understand that until now. I am a writer, that happens to be a Christian. I think people expect me to only write about things of the Lord and nothing else. I can assure you right now, that devotionals will not be the only thing that you get out of me. I have so much range. I have so many ideas. I refuse to be placed in a box because “church folks” have decided that I should only write about one particular thing. The last time I checked, I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, and a beautiful wife. I have so many other things to say. Let me be clear; I am not talking about going off the deep end and writing things that go against what I believe as a Christian woman, what I am saying is; do not expect a devotional from me every time I decide to publish something.

Church people have a tendency of putting other people in a box, and if anyone dares to venture outside the four walls of that box, we are not “real Christians”. I am of the mind that if I am keeping that Lord’s commandments and not going against the word of God, where is all the smoke coming from? Anyway, that is another subject for another day.

Today’s post is a work of art that I have been working on since 2015. Yes, you saw that right. Since 2015! I am sad to announce that I still haven’t finished it. In my defense though, life got in the way. Kids needed my attention, my pastor/husband required my time, and, I managed to get a whole degree out here in these streets. I mean, for all intents and purposes, I have been kind of busy. Not to mention the big move of 2018. When I decided to start back writing again, my life was in a different place and the devotional made much more sense. The words begin to pour out of me, and I knew that “Good Morning God” had to be my first publication. Anyway, this particular novella was never far from my thoughts. Since it is almost complete, I would love to share the prologue with you all. My works of art will always include my heavenly father, they just won’t always be in devotional form. With that being said…ENJOY!

Love in crisis

Breathe Ky breathe. If my child calls me one more time, I think that I am going to scream.  “MAMA!” My daughter Tam yells from the top of the stairs. 

“What is it that you want child?” I reply back in frustration. 

“What’s for dinner?”

I know this child didn’t just scream my name like somebody was killing her just to ask me that? If I ignore her, maybe she will just go away like a good little brat. 


“Tam! Stop calling me! If you are so hungry, just grab a sandwich or something until I fix dinner.”  I can’t even come home and get in the door well before they start going in. While I am responding to one of my two kids, my husband Orlando walks into the den where I am trying to rest. 

“All the energy it took for you to say all of that, you could have just told the girl what we were having tonight. It doesn’t take all of that.”

Did he just try to check me? Yep, I think he did.  

“I don’t recall asking you for your opinion”, I say as I get up and get far away from him before I do or say something that I might regret. He can really work my nerves sometimes. I mean, I haven’t seen him all day long, and the first thing he does when he walks in the house is jump in the middle of a matter that has absolutely nothing to do with him. Wow! Now my frustration level is on 10.  

My name is Kyla Montgomery Daniels, my friends call me Ky for short. I live a life most people only dream about. I have a beautiful home, luxury cars, a little bit of money in the bank, two beautiful kids, and a husband that could, hands down, be the finest man to walk the earth. The only problem is; I don’t think that I want this life anymore.  

Let’s have a discussion in the comments below


Blessings in elbow grease


Offending others with my happiness