Offending others with my happiness

I had been contemplating all week about what I wanted to share. Then I was made aware of a video that was slowly getting some attention. The video was of a woman who was dancing her heart out beside her car, in traffic, while waiting on the train. I mean she was moving with out a care in the world. A couple of seconds into the video, in comes my very own mother. (red scarf and camo pants) After encountering this woman about a week ago, my mom said that she promised herself that the next time she saw her, that she would dance along with her. And dance she did ya’ll. Their dancing must have been contagious because a few seconds after my mother makes her entrance, here comes another woman making her dancing debut. They had a whole dance party right in the middle of the road, in the midst of traffic, while waiting on the train to finish passing by. It was so beautiful. It put a smile on my face, and based on the comments, I was not the only one.

Just as much as I enjoyed the video, there were some, for whatever reason, who were annoyed by it all. I could only wonder why though. Why would someone else’s happiness be offensive? Then I thought about my own happiness and how I could possibly be offending others by my own happiness. The REAL question is, however, do I even care? After about a half of a second of thinking about it, I realized that I do not, and neither should you. These women surely didn’t care that there were people around. They didn’t care that there were people who seemed as if they were allergic to a good time. Their moment of happiness wasn’t dependent on how others felt or what they thought.

That’s my message for today. Carry this with you all week until it sinks in…YOUR HAPPINESS BELONGS TO YOU AND YOU ALONE! Do not apologize for it, don’t make excuses for it, and most of all, do not alter it so that others are comfortable. As long as my happiness is not hurting myself, others, and is pleasing to the Lord, your being offended is a YOU problem and not a burden that I’m willing to carry.

So go out this week and offend someone with your happiness. You have my approval for sure!!

Video Links to the dance party!

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Work in progress…


Don’t be too embarrassed to be embarrassed.