Hope’s Encouragement

This week’s blog does not come from yours truly. It actually comes from a fellow Author; Hope S. Harmon. I was excited when she agreed to let me post a message from her. She has a strong presence in her community, where she is highly respected. Thank You Hope for this week’s contribution to our Motivational Message Monday! I know that our readers are going to be blessed and will be able to carry this message with them all week!!

This last year has been difficult for me. Well, actually the last couple of years. Just as I thought I was seeing a break in the clouds, it seemed like more clouds came. In the midst of the storm, I shut down. I lost my voice.

Everything God told me was good about me, I began to feel was bad. I was at a place where I even began to feel like maybe this is not what or where God called me to be any longer. Then I was reminded of Matthew 5:10 “God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”

Then Matthew goes on to say we are the salt of the Earth and called to be the light of the World.

The enemy wants to distract us. He wants us to believe that good is bad and bad is good BUT we have to remain steadfast to the word of the Lord. God does bless us for doing right, even when we don’t feel blessed.

I just want to encourage you today to continue to do what is right, continue to be the salt of the Earth, and continue to be LIGHT in this dark world! Your voice and presence are needed! 

Have a blessed day

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Gratefulness vs Entitlement


Blessings in elbow grease