I Will Not Conform

Hey family! This week, we have been blessed, once again, with an on-time message from no other than Author Hope S. Harmon! Hope is a South Georgia native, mom, entrepreneur, public figure, mentor, community activist, and author! Look up “Super Woman”, and you might just find her photo! We pray that you are so blessed with the message for the week, that you carry it beyond the week, and apply it to your life! Be blessed family. Happy Reading!

Good Morning

Romans 12:2
And do NOT be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….
Earlier today, I was having a conversation with my children about the importance of being a leader and the importance of not being led by the spirit of conformity. My oldest son asked me what the word conformity meant. As I began to explain to them my definition of the word, I told them we would simply look it up to better understand.

According to simplypsycology, “Conformity is agreeing to do something or be like others just so that you can fit it and not be the odd one out. Conformity can be referred to as a change in behavior influenced by an external factor.”

As I was reading the definition, I thought to myself: How many times do I conform? How many times do I just try to fit in with everyone else? How often do I allow external factions control my behaviors? No matter how big or small, we all conform in some way daily.
I honestly was convicted in my spirit, as I was having this conversation with my children.

We must renew our minds and hearts daily by reading God’s word, staying in a posture of prayer, and listening to God for answers. God can change the way we think and act, but we must remain steadfast to his promises. In the NIV version the verse goes on the say, “Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

By not conforming to this world, we can rest assured that God’s will and plans will be fulfilled in our lives. As daughters and sons, we don’t have to conform to the way of this world, no matter how big or small. We must always remember that we are the “salt of the Earth and light of the world.” It is up to us as believers to be an example of Christ here on earth.

Is it uncomfortable to be the odd one out? YES! Of course, it is but I would rather be uncomfortable for a moment, than to not be in the will of God for a lifetime.

God has called us to be leaders, not followers. It is up to us to change the standard and influence the world in a greater way. You do not have to conform to be accepted. You do not have to conform to reach your goals. No matter what the world tells us, GOD is our Father who always has the final say. God says in his word to TEST HIM!
When you feel the need to conform, TEST HIM! In 1 Corinthian 10:3 the word says, “he will also provide a way out so that you can ensure it.”

I don’t know what area of your life you may feel the need to conform to the ways of this world, but I encourage you to TEST God! Talk to him about your burdens, your feelings, your situation and allow him to help you through it. God’s will for our lives is always perfect and far greater than we could imagine. We must continue to follow HIS plans, His WORD, and renew our minds daily so that we do not conform to this world.
Decide today that you will no longer conform but we transformed by the renewing of your mind!

Author Hope S. Harmon




Gratefulness vs Entitlement