Even When I Don’t Feel Like It

I remember when I was coming into adulthood. I was going through a situation, and I kept wondering to myself, “when in the world did life get this complicated?” For the life of me, I did not know what happened. It was like one moment, I was a carefree teenager, living how I wanted to live with no responsibilities, and then BOOM, out of nowhere, life happened. I had responsibilities and I no longer had the luxury of wallowing in my feelings like I used to. Things had to be taken care of, even if I didn’t feel like it. 

Today’s topic is pretty explanatory, but I would like for it to serve as a reminder to those that have responsibilities in life, that we do not have time to sulk in emotions. Understand this; I am a very emotional being. Ask the pastor/husband of mine, he will tell you for sure. Unfortunately, I am one of those individuals who more times than I should, wear those emotions on my sleeve. I have even let them consume me to the point where I didn’t want to “function”. I didn’t want to talk to people, handle everyday tasks, go to work, or do anything else. I simply did not feel like it and I didn’t want to be bothered. This is no way to proceed in life. Stuff happens. Simple as that. We can not shut off the rest of the world, wallowing in self-pity, and make things go away. A part of being responsible is getting up and doing what we need to do, even when we don’t feel like doing it. 

I hear the question you’re asking me; “T, is this really necessary to talk about?” My answer is an absolute yes. There are people in the world who have this same issue but are on level 10. I know people personally who will lie in bed the entire day because they are not up to facing the world because their problems have them down. When the problem goes away, they are back on track and back to being functional humans again. God doesn’t desire us to live this way. Life can be tough. Things can come in our direction that will break us down (keep living, it's bound to happen), but we do not have the luxury to make that our focal point. There are other things that require our attention, and sleeping with self-misery is not one of them. 

When I talk about not having the luxury to shut everything down and focus on your problems, I am not speaking in terms of physical. Now, don’t get confused, some of us, physically don’t have that luxury. We have jobs, kids, spouses, and other responsibilities that don’t care if we don’t feel like functioning that day. But, I am speaking in terms of mentally. We mentally don’t have the luxury to be this way. This is what the enemy wants. He wants us mentally incapacitated. If we are mentally out of whack, it gives him the opportunity to throw things our way that will keep us mentally out of whack. Our focus will no longer be living the abundant life God has for us, but it will be one of misery, anger, and bitterness. Our heavenly father does not desire that kind of life for us. 

So, I’ve said all of that to say this; I know life can be hard. I know that things will pop up that will have you down. I get it. All I am asking is that you push through, and persevere, even when you don’t feel like it. Don’t get comfortable at the bottom of the emotional barrel. God never promises that we won’t hit the bottom, but His word provides an out so that we don’t have to stay there. We simply have to do the work. Exercise that beautiful mind of yours, and push through, even when you don’t feel like it. 

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