
Well hello, family. I am so happy to be among you all today sharing motivation and inspiration. I pray that someone is inspired and motivated to be a better version of themselves after reading these posts. It blesses me to know someone, somewhere is getting something out of it. Let’s not make today any different. Grasp some inspiration, and then take it with you to share with others. Let’s dive in. 

A little while ago, I made the decision to go back to school. I know, I know. I don’t even understand the decision myself at times. When things start to get really hectic, I ask myself why in the world did I sign up for this? Then I am reminded of my plans and goals. In order for me to achieve this goal, going back to school and obtaining my Master’s Degree is necessary. At this point, only my closest family and friends know. (I guess I just told you all too hunh?) They have all been super supportive. What they don’t know, however, is that I want to quit every single day! (Well I guess they know now hunh?) Why do I want to quit you ask? Well, in my mind, I have a lot going on and don’t have time for it. That’s the answer that sounds good. Truth is, I have gotten so comfortable with how my life was going before, that I just settled with what I had and that was it. Let’s not misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with getting to a certain point in life, and settling there. For me, I wanted to achieve a few more things, which require a little more leg work than what I am wanting to do. But in order for me to get what I want, I have to put in a little sweat equity and work my butt off. At this point, I must be my own cheerleader!

I can remember in high school. I was on the cheer squad. Believe it or not, this rhythmless girl could actually execute a cheer or two, and well might I add. But I will digress from tooting my own horn right now. I remember one time our team was getting beat pretty badly. I mean really bad, and people were leaving the game early because it just didn't make sense to stay. One player, however, begins to stand up and cheer. Not like a cheerleader’s cheer, but just a chant. She started off low, maybe because she was intimidated or a bit embarrassed to be cheering while they were down so much, but never-the-less, she stayed the course. After some time, the rest of the team jumped on the bandwagon, and then the whole gym. Now, this is NOT a, “Remember The Titans” moment. We lost. Badly! But those girls left that gym with their heads held high that night. They had been defeated by the team, but their spirits were intact because they decided to be their own cheerleaders and encourage themselves. 

So what am I saying? We must be our own cheerleaders. I am going to take a little bit of my own advice right now. It doesn't matter what the people around us say. If they are being positive, great, and if they are being negative, that's too bad. What matters is what we feel about our own selves and what we plan to do about it. 100,000 people can tell us we are great, but if we don't believe it ourselves, it means absolutely nothing. It is imperative that we pump our own selves up. No one should be outdoing me when it comes to cheering me on and no one should be outdoing you when it comes to motivating you either. We have got to learn to keep pushing even when we don't feel like it. We have got to learn how to keep fighting when all seems to be lost. We have got to cheer our own way to victory. God is so good. The only person we have to depend on in life to see us through is him. And because of him, he has instilled something inside of us that keeps us going even when we don't know how in the world we even made it as far as we have. 

I encourage you today family…stop waiting on others to put on the pom poms to cheer you on. Do it for yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader. The great Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers said it best; sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Waiting on someone else to do it for you, could result in you never achieving a goal. And for those of us, who do receive encouragement from others, it’s going to stop. People are not going to keep babying you, and holding your hand. So learn right here, and right now, to be your biggest, loudest, and best cheerleader for team Y-O-U! 

Let’s have a discussion in the comments below!


The Blessing Of Contentment


Cause I Love Your Smile