Taste and See

Written by Lady “Atricia” Banks

The world is in a constant evolution of change, yet old ideas and concepts are reemerging feeding the ignorance of lost wisdom. Like the adage, “there is nothing new under the sun”, people are discovering that the modern conveniences we have grown so accustomed to and frankly demand are costing us our health, our well-being, and our lives, and is the principal cause leading to the destruction of our plant. But there is hope and more than that, there is a movement taking place. People are arising out of the muck and mire of brain fog, perpetual fatigue, sickness, and the attack on our morality. They have taken a proactive stance toward the healing of the land. They are bringing forth simplistic, holistic truths that are healing us and slowing down the impact of the destruction on our planet. These people are the discovering keys to our spiritual alignment and complete communion with the divine. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “ What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” That scripture has never been quoted fully to me, but it is indicative of the movement to take back what the devil has stolen.

When I first became a vegan, it was a journey based purely on desperation. I had received a prognosis from my doctor about my health that threatened my quality of life. It triggered fear responses in me that led me to believe I could even lose my life. I moved with urgency pulling from my interests in the vegetarian movement, and the unction to explore my curiosities about how our ancestors could have survived difficult circumstances, rough terrain, and various diseases while migrating all over the world building thriving empires without modern medicine. My decision to seek a more holistic solution to my health issues came from an innate belief that God’s precious design had everything to do with how we function and less to do with what modern medicine could provide. After my prognosis, I soaked myself in the study of vegetarianism, Youtube videos on whole food, juicing, smoothies, the study of the effects of food on the body, and the new health movement called veganism. It claimed to be the perfect solution to HEALING me and not just treating my health issues. 

Deciding to trust the concept of healing by way of food was not too farfetched. All my life I avoided medicines except when I felt I had no other choice. I would later find becoming a vegan the greatest accomplishment of my life.  Back then, food had not been introduced to me as a treatment for most diseases and disorders, except for the occasional bowl of chicken noodle soup to help with the symptoms of the flu. Having grown up during the 70s and 80s, the idea that medical healthcare was the prevalent means of finding relief from our physical ailments was not as it is now. Our parents and grandparents for the most part still trusted in homemade salves, natural ointments, and remedies, which were often made from the kitchen cabinet and garden herbs, and spices. Eventually, this would be labeled witchcraft and some kind of sorcery or divination that people be less inclined to turn to them as remedies. Plus, medicines created convenience and what seemed to be quick fixes, but what was being challenged was the integrity of God’s character, especially concerning his affinity for order.

If God is not a man that he should lie and is a God that does not make mistakes, then His way must be accurate. Everything about us was created to naturally live in harmony with our environment. Little manipulation from us is needed to heal us. Everything about us would represent complete worship, communion, and a perfect covenant with the Most-High God. Although the world seems to be moving farther away from that notion, due to the damage humans, and the earth has sustained in the last century has caused many to explore concepts of old wisdom. Roman 6:16 says, “Do you not know that if you present yourself to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness”. People are putting their trust in nature, submitting themselves to discipline, and aligning their hearts and minds with the divine Most-High God and most of these people are not even blood-bought believers in Christ. My sisters and brothers of Christ how much longer will we tolerate sickness, and disease among God’s people? How many times do we need to watch loved ones suffer or die from curable diseases disguised as incurable in order to perpetuate industries that benefit from our lack of fortitude? Romans 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

Lady “Atricia” Banks-Health & Wellness Coach

Business Inquiries: Info@ladybanks.com (616) 259-6427



Be Thankful For It All


What Does God See That I Can’t?