Stay Out Of It

Hey family! Got a treat for you this week. I decided to share with you one of the passages from my devotional, “Good Morning God”! I pray that this message blesses you and inspires you in some way. Read it, live it, and then share it!

Read; John 4 

What an odd message to jump-start your day with. Although the message may seem strange, I promise it will make sense in a minute. As Christians, it is imperative that we know and understand that we do not have to be involved in everything. Sometimes we can find ourselves running to the scene of a crime when all that is required are our prayers. When things go wrong with the people around us, it is not always our job to show up and attempt to make things better. We have to know when to stay and when to go. The thing that I love about God, is even when we try to insert ourselves, he moves us right out of the way. Our presence could very well be a hindrance to a situation, as opposed to being a source of help. 

In John 4, we can clearly see that Jesus traveled to Samaria and met the woman at the well alone. The disciples would have gotten in the way. This woman was considered to be the lowest of the low, not only because she was a Samaritan, but also because she was a woman who was considered to be only an item. Traditionally, her race was despised by the Jews. Think about it, how would the conversation go if the disciples were present? Would she have even approached them? Would the disciples have rejected her? I believe that Jesus ordained this holy encounter just the way it was because the disciples would not have been able to put their traditional views aside at the time, in order for this woman to get the word that she needed.  

Let’s think about ourselves in this instance. Have there been moments where you were unable to put your feelings aside for the greater good and truly see God in the middle of a situation? It is times like these when we really need to be tuned in with God so that we know when to show up, or when to fall back. It is my prayer that my presence is never a hindrance to what God is doing, but if my very presence will oppose the work of the Lord, then I pray that I am Christian enough to fall back and send a prayer that will go places that I am not authorized in the spirit to go.  


Pray with me:


Lord, I thank you for this day. I ask that you forgive me for my sins, those that I know of and those that I do not. Father, I pray that I am able to hear what the spirit is saying to me concerning the places I should tread. Lord, I ask that you always order my steps and guide me to where it is that you want me to go. I pray, my heavenly father, that my presence will never be a hindrance, but Lord if it is, I ask that you, one; do a work in me, and two; send someone in my place that is able to get done what you need to get done for the glorification of your kingdom. I thank you that you have heard my prayer and I ask that you continue to do work in me. I am a willing vessel. I pray all these things in Jesus' name, AMEN. 

Let’s have a discussion in the comments below!! 


My Temple

