God Is

Hello family. I pray that everyone had a fantastic holiday this past week. With so much going on in the world, I know it can be challenging to find something to be thankful for. But each and every day we wake up is a reason to be thankful. I am extremely grateful for all the things God has blessed me with. I’m not speaking about materialistic things either. I’m talking about my life, my health, and my family. All the things that are important to me. I thank God so much for them all, and I thank God for all of you too. Let’s go!


I have a t-shirt that pastor/hubs designed on Amazon for me. It simply says; “God is…”. I can’t even tell you how many times I have been asked what this shirt means. I simply just answer; “he’s whatever you want him to be”. I have pondered, however, what God was to me personally. Honestly, can that question really only have one answer? I could give simple responses to the question like; he’s my shelter, or he’s my strength. That, however, just doesn’t seem like enough of an explanation though. He’s been just that good. I needed to dig deeper to find exactly what he meant to me, and what he had been for me, and I found it. 

 When I think of God, I think of him in terms of being my programmer. I know, I know! That doesn't make sense, nor is it biblical, but work with me for a second. Aside from being my father, God is my programmer. What is a programmer exactly? What do they do? Programmers write up the codes which help software applications run efficiently. Let’s get spiritual for a minute believers. Is that not what God does? He provides the tools (codes) we need in order to get through life more efficiently. He is my divine programmer. 

To understand where I am coming from, it might help if you understood me. I have always been a bit different. I didn’t think like most kids growing up, and I didn’t act like them either. My mama would always say I was extremely mature for my age. I tried to fit in, but a part of me knew that I never would. Because of this, I kept my guard up and I was super self-conscious Even as an adult, I shied away from people because I felt like they wouldn’t “get me”. Now at work, I was that girl. I knew my stuff. People flocked to me because I did my job, and I did it well. But outside of work and being around the people in my innermost circle, I was socially awkward. 

I would often feel misunderstood. Like nobody got me. But then here comes God. He sent someone in my path to remind me that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. He was there and he understood me. Not only did he understand, but he designed it. He programmed me to be the way that I am. To have the feelings and emotions that I do. So, since he’s my programmer, that also means that he understands all my functions. Nobody else has to get it. Nobody else has to understand. When God sees me, he sees a beautiful creation that he has made and whom he loves. Knowing that, makes me feel like the only and not the others. I don’t want to be like anyone else, or I wouldn't be me. I want to be the only Tara and not be like other people.   

So what am I saying? I’m simply saying, find out what God is to you. I learned that He designed me to be uniquely me and that means everything! What has he been for you though? My list could go on forever and that still wouldn't be enough. There are no wrong answers here. I want you to take the time and figure out what God is to you. What has he done for you? If you dig deep enough, it may just blow your socks clean off your feet! 

Let’s have a discussion in the comments!


In Their Business


Be Thankful For It All