Fancy meeting you here

For some reason, I love the term “fancy meeting you here. It tickles me every time I hear it in a movie, or read it in a book. It simply means that a person is surprised to see you in a particular space and were completely not expecting you. Or vice versa. 

One day, while sitting at my desk working on the same mock-up for the millionth time, that term came to mind. It’s crazy because I was home alone. Well, kind of home alone. When the hubs is out saving the world one home renovation at a time, and teen-aged humans are at school trying to get prepared for the world, I am home, working in my office, with the man child, our family German Shepard. He’s not the topic of this story today though, so let’s move on. So, while I’m sitting at my desk, I hear the term. Then my mind goes to my Christian walk. Ever thought you were delivered from a certain emotion or an attitude only to be hit with a situation that brings that very emotion or attitude out? Talk about a growth killer!  I recently had a moment where I was faced with an emotion that I thought I had buried deep. Apparently, that was the problem. It wasn’t dealt with. Instead, it was buried by life. The things going on in my life got bigger than the emotion, so it got lost in the sauce. Only to make an appearance out of nowhere and set me back emotionally. Interesting. Fancy meeting it here at this stage in my life. I have been a Christian entirely too long to let a measly little emotion take me to places that I need not go. But it happened. 

Now, I am not talking about some big, dark, secret of a thing, if that’s what you’re wondering. But what I am talking about is letting people and situations take me from myself, and see myself as unworthy. I’ll be transparent for a moment, and tell you that I’ve battled with low self-esteem in the past. It started as a young girl and followed me through life. When I was first married, my husband spotted it right on and chose to love me through it. Trust me, I fought tooth and nail for a very long time to be rid of that feeling. Fast forward years later, and honey, you couldn’t tell me a thing about myself! I was all that and the named brand bag of chips. Then, I became an entrepreneur. The best thing and the worst thing I could have done for myself. For 15 years, I managed to stay away from social media. Never had an account, never wanted one. Then I was faced with the task of advertising and I HAD to get on different social media platforms. I love to see people winning, don’t get me wrong, but I would be less than a woman to tell you that it makes me compare. Then I’m brought back to the mindset of that insecure little girl, and insecure teenager, and that insecure woman. I had to get a hold of these emotions, or they were going to consume me. Through prayer and staying in my word, I am able to see God in the midst of the madness. 

Why am I telling you all of this? I want you to take a deep look inside your life and see if you can find something that you thought was gone, but only to find that it was simply buried. Tell it; “fancy meeting you here”, and then find a way to kick it to the curb. We don’t need any more distractions keeping us from the things that God wants for us and the life that he wants to provide. We have work to do, and distractions take us away from the end game.

Keep it moving!   

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Don’t be too embarrassed to be embarrassed.